Local Funds That Will Work Locally

Local Funds That Will Work Locally

We all want our schools to be great places for our kids and to contribute to our community. But politicians in Phoenix have been underfunding our state education budget for the past decade. Thus, it is up to us to make sure we have the local school district we want and our kids deserve. And we can do it.

Voting Yes on Propositions 466 and 467 is a way to locally provide the funds to our schools so that we can get vital improvements in school security, science labs, classroom technology, the buildings and physical infrastructure, and buses; as well as the way to continue to provide funding for libraries, music programs, arts programs, AP and gifted programs, the career and technology education (CTE) classes, and other extracurricular programs.

We will be able to see these funds working locally. Once the ballot measures are approved, our school district will invest in the physical infrastructure as well as continue the art, CTE, athletic, and other extracurricular programs we value.

For accountability and community involvement, the Tanque Verde Unified School District (TVUSD) will also convene a bond committee to oversee the use of the bond funds. These will remain local funds that work locally for our kids and our community.

Vote YES on the two TVUSD education related ballot measures.

Vote YES on Props 466 & 467


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