In Their Words: Becky Watson

Dear Tanque Verde Community,

We, as most of you, are graduates of Public Schools. We moved into the Tanque Verde Valley to make this our home and for our children to attend TVUSD excellent schools.

TVHS Marching Band Students
at a Football Game
I have been a TV parent volunteer at all three schools within TVUSD  that my children have attended. I have seen firsthand the caring, quality, and dedication that the TVUSD teachers and staff have at each school. Our students are eager to learn and our teachers are creative and energetic in their approach to providing an excellent education experience.

Please join us in your continued support of our students at all our TVUSD schools by voting "yes" on Prop 466. This important override continues what is currently in place at the same tax rate. This override is crucial for us to maintain our advanced placement classes, CTE programs, the arts, and majority of our programs that have been our district's key to success.

Our students are the workforce of tomorrow. The lessons that our students have learned at our Tanque Verde Schools have provided the groundwork needed for a successful and productive college career or entering directly into the workforce. We need your continued support.

Becky Watson


In Their Words is a series in which we share letters written in support of the Budget Override and Bond ballot measures. These letters will appear in the Voter Information Packet provided by Pima County to voters. We will also include original missives by members of the Tanque Verde community.


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